“Then Jesus said to her, ‘your sins are forgiven’.”
Luke 7:48
We invite you to join us on March 12, 2022 for an event that both elevates and celebrates the lives of women worldwide, a twenty-first century Women’s Day- I AM HER. This is an event hosted every March in light of International Women’s Day on March 8th. In a society that crushes women through impossible expectations, false hopes, and broken dreams, our aim is to heal and create real change by the truth.
Our goal this year is that each woman in attendance may embrace who God truly created and intended for her to be- a woman forgiven and empowered by God, as our theme scripture declares. In God’s eyes, we are so much more than all the good and the bad that we have done. Entertainment, testimonials, raffle prizes, and a powerful keynote lesson by our speaker, Valeria Castillo. Our prayer is that you walk away changed, and with confidence in God to declare, “I AM HER”. Register today!